In an aim to integrate creativity and reason
for the purpose of self-awareness and longevitiy
—promoted by persistence
aware of odds, informed by risk,
alert to new discovery, welcoming challenge,
I become.
Natasha Vita-More
I am the architect of my existence. My life reflects my vision and represents my values. It conveys the very essence of my being—coalescing imagination and reason, challenging all limits.
Transhumanism calls upon a heightened sensibility to reveal the multiplicity of realms yet to be discovered, yet to be realized.
We are exploring how current and future technologies affect our senses, our cognition, and our lives.
Our attention to and comprehension of these relationships become fields of art as we participate in the most immediate and vital issues for transhumanity: extending life, augmenting intelligence, and creativity, exploring the universe.
Transhumanists invent and design with technology and collaborate with the cosmos, perform in multiple realities, automorph mind and body, conceive, innovate, and explore.
We indelibly engrave longevity memes. We are the neo-cyberneticists utilizing high-end creativity, engineering skills, scientific data, and automated tools to author our visions.
Transhumanists encourage experimentation and attitudes of abundance and emphasizes the infinite possibilities of self-transformation as we seek new values indispensable to our self-creation. We have no interest in focusing on self-defeating thinking or entropy. We are achieving refined emotions through provocative forward thinking and analytical techniques.
Each person influences social and cultural change: how we live and who we are. Each person creates a sense of self, autonomous yet connected to culture’s continuum.
How we accomplish our intentions is a matter of selective individual choice—whether abstract or concrete, whether artifact or non-form.
Our criteria for art remain open and we welcome cross-disciplinary innovations.
Our unique ingenuity will spread far out into the capillaries of society. We are active participants in our own evolution. We are shaping the image of whom we are becoming (1983 v.2; 1998 v.2.).
In 1983, designer and author Natasha Vita-More (born February 23, 1950), Max Mor's wife, published "The Transhumanist Manifesto" and over the years published a series of manifestos about transhumanist and extropic art.