Sergey L. Markov
S. L. Markov. Creative Management: A textbook for university students. - K .: 2017.
The textbook "Creative Management" is an answer to the challenges of the constantly growing social and economic environment. It offers a new vision of management theory and practice and provides an orderly system of practical tools and methods for improving the efficiency of all managerial processes and functions.
The universality of Creative Management, which penetrates all existing and possible types of management, allowed to offer a capacious, integrated structure of the textbook, containing all the manifestations of managerial activity, integrated into a total flow of business processes.
The book reveals such fundamental, cross-cutting practices of creative management as the generation of new productive ideas, creative problem solving, technologies for creating and implementing innovations, methods for activating creativity and creative self-realization of employees.
In the material of the textbook preserves the balance between theory and management practice, but special attention is paid to practical recommendations, creative methods and effective methods, the flexible application of which will saturate all types of management activities with creative elements and create Winning Companies based on the personal success of each employee.
The textbook "Creative Management" is aimed at students, postgraduates and teachers of all specialities, students of MBA programs, managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, representatives of new creative professions and managers of all levels.
The book is interesting for all those who strive to achieve an understanding of the features of the new creative era, adapt to an unpredictable dynamic environment, improve their efficiency and achieve maximum personal success and prosperity.
Chapter I. The subject, essence and content of creative management
1.1. The essence and specificity of creative management. The place of creative management in Control theory. Control theory, Business administration, organizational control and management. Management as a science and art. Creative control and creative management. The subject, object and main tasks of creative management.
1.2. Evolution of main management models. Historical Development of Management, theory and practice of management. Five stages of management theory development. Basic management models. Features of American, European and Japanese management styles.
1.3. Current trends in management concept development. Globalization, dynamization, humanization, creativisation, use of information &communication and cloud technologies. Complicating, accelerating and growing unpredictability of socio-economic phenomena. Modern management concepts and management models. A new management paradigm. Changing of meanings of the management basic concepts, styles and functions. Creative management model: universality, integrity, flexibility, focus on realizing opportunities and concrete results.
1.4. Types and kinds of modern management as components of creative management. Strategic, target, software, process, project, intuitive, information, situational management. Existential, virtual, quantum, synergetic, management. Design management and art management. "Absurd Management". Lean management (Toyota). Interactive management (Google, Microsoft, Apple). New managerial professions in creative industries. Future Management. Experience with successful companies with Future Management. Metaphors of management. Symphony management. Jazz-management. Juggling management. Dao management, Zen management. Creativity management, heuristic management, knowledge management, and talent management. Definition, distinctive features and basic concepts of creative management.
1.5. The universal nature of creative management.
1.5.1. Essential, cross-cutting character of creative management. Creative management as a universal, holographic management model. A dynamic model of unified, self-improving control flow. Essential functions of creative management: integration, coordination, balancing, juggling, harmonization. Optimization and improvement of all business processes and functions of management. Continuous improvement of quality, efficiency and value increment. The choice of the optimal way and the optimal organization of actions. Managing by the criterion of efficiency and the increment in the value of the product. Creative criteria of efficiency and productivity. Determining the competitive advantage and critical factors of the organization's success. Creative flexibility as a vision of the space-time whole and the choice of the most suitable method leading to a breakthrough improvement.
1.5.2. Creative management and modern concepts of management optimization. Creative management is the highest level of modern integrative-optimization management systems. Efficiency management. Operations management. Business Process Management. Workflow coordination system. Controlling. Business process reengineering. Resource management, pooling concentration of resources. Supply chain management. Value chains. Six Sigma Method. Kaizen is a system of continuous, incremental improvement.
1.6. Methodology of creative management. Traditional and creative approaches to management. Holistic, innovative, resonant, synergetic, competent and developing approaches. Creative approach to management. Basic principles and laws of creative management. Rules of creative management.Concept and classification of management methods. Creative management methods. Creative Management Research Methods. Assessment Center Technology for the study of creativity. Measurement of the company's creative potential. Study of the creative managerial competence. Psychological measuring creativity.
2.1. Content, structure and essence of creativity. Essence and basic principles of creativity. Conscious and unconscious creativity. Fantasy, intuition, ideation and creative thinking are in the structure of creativity. The main types of creative thinking. Paradoxical, Janusian, potentiating and transformative thinking. Design thinking and Full-spectrum thinking. Creativity as a productive activity, self-realization, problem-solving, creative dialogue and sense-creation. The main types of creativity. Manifestations of creativity in various spheres of culture, economics and public life. Social, economic, and entrepreneurial creativity. The basic mechanisms and techniques of creativity.
2.2. The concept of a manager's creative potential. Creative personality of the manager. Proactive stance, values, and traits of creative manager. Abilities, skills and habits of creative managers. American and European models of managerial competence. Model of Creative Managerial Competence. Main qualities of a successful Project and Startup Manager. Creative execution of all management functions. Manager's creative vision, creative analysis and individual creative method. Methods and tools of diagnosing in creative potential and creative competence of the manager. Managerial abilities diagnostics and self-diagnostics Techniques.
3.1. Theoretical grounds and basic principles of creative business. Features of the modern creative epoch and the creatogenic society. The main characteristics of the creative economy. Features and types of creative industries. Creative class as a set of creative professionals. The concept of "Creative space" and the Model of a Сreative city. Basic principles, models and rules of creative business. Features of doing business in creative industries.
3.2. Creativity Manifestations in Business. Specificity of entrepreneurial creativity. Business as a science, art and way of life. Freedom, creativity and usefulness as dominant values. The creative essence of entrepreneurship: risk, initiative, intuition, innovation and productivity. Curiosity, experimentation, discovery and search for new opportunities in business. Business as an adventure, improvisation and a game. Business as a productive activity to create new ideas and products. Creative ideas and solutions in the business. Business as an effective and beautiful practical problem solution and the adoption of optimal, non-standard decisions. Business as creative self-realization of personal unique potential. Business and life as a holistic unified flow. Work as a pleasure. Rules for successful creative entrepreneurship. Transformation of creativity into profit. Money as new opportunities and freedom. Orientation on immediate creative action.
4.1. Classical methods of activating creativity. Heuristic techniques of activating creative thinking. Methods of formulation and analyzing managerial problems. Function Cost Analysis (FСА). Brainstorming. Synectics. Morphological analysis. Focal Objects Method. Analogy and Metaphor Technique. Mind Mapping. Lateral thinking. Six Thinking Hats Technique. Idea-Spurring Questions techniques. Guided visualization. Application of the TRIZ system (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) in business and management.
4.2. Modern methods to enhance creativity and creative problem-solving. Wishful Thinking Technique. Wise Counsel Technique. Disney and Edison technique. What-If Technique. Lotus Blossom Technique. Free Writing/Wet Inking Technique. Manipulative verbs Technique. DO IT and Simplex Methods. Osborn-Parnes Model of CPS. Eight Disciplines Problem Solving. System “The Universal Traveler“. System “Playful Perception Technique”. Reframing. Universal methods of resolving contradictions and solving problems.
5.1. Analysis of environmental factors. Analysis and alignment of optimal interaction with the external environment of direct influence: consumers, competitors, suppliers, labour, sources of capital and public institutions. Identifying and taking into account the significant factors of the environment of indirect influence: the state of the economy, new technologies, socio-cultural and political changes, international situation and events.
5.2. Adapting to the external environment and changing the environment. Building the model "Organization without borders." Creating a model of creatively managed chaos. Principles of survival and success in a complex, interrelated, dynamic, turbulent, unpredictable and chaotic environment. Features of virtual organizations. Connectedness by the single goal and synergistic effect. Openness to novelty and fresh ideas. "Absorption capacity" of the company. Principles and types of benchmarking. Model "Sailing": dynamism, mobility, sensitivity to changes, a realization of external opportunities.
Chapter 6. The corporate culture of the creative company as a key factor in personal and commercial success
6.1. The essence, structure and philosophy of corporate culture. Creative corporate culture: focus on creativity, innovation and changes. Spirit, philosophy, values, ideals, traditions, symbols and legends of the company. Empowerment, prioritization and the provision of criteria. Creativity, beauty, innovation, and ingenuity as the priority values of the organization. Belief in superiority, and aspiration for the future. Respect for individuality, reliance on talentы and devotion to the consumer. Orientation for continuous improvement and increment of values. Culture of ideas management. Uniqueness and originality of the company culture. Vision and mission of the company.
6.2. Management of developing corporate culture. Creative vision and building the model of an ideal future. Formation of a unified semantic field and a system of deep creative meanings. The rules for creating a creative internal environment in the company. Creation of a creative atmosphere and the formation of a favourable psychological climate in the organization. Diversity management: Creating and managing diversity as a vital resource and competitive advantage. Reliance on the unique individuality of each employee, a delegation of authority. Inspiring and exalting corporate culture. Cultivate mutual trust, respect, honesty and devotion. Mutual support, complementarity and partnership. Management by values. Charity and support of social projects.
Chapter 7. Building organizational structure of the creative company
7.1. Types of modern organizational structures. Current trends, principles and tools for building and developing organizations. Creation of creative innovative organization. Organization as a living organic whole. Creation of multidimensional, flexible, adaptive, organic adhocratic (coordinated with the purpose) structures. Mobility, activity, focus on modernization. Self-organization model of a company. Creation of a self-learning, self-developing company that creates knowledge. Growth of system controllability: independence of elements, feedback, focus on the result.
7.2. Creation of open communication space. Organization of an open communication space and effective communication: freedom of discussion and exchange of knowledge. Create a global knowledge-sharing network. Providing free access to full, valuable and up-to-date information. Increase the speed of information flow. Intensification of intra-firm contacts and destruction of barriers between departments. Creating an atmosphere of openness and freedom of opinion. Formation of conditions for informal communication.
7.3. Organization as a set of projects. Design and venture organizational structures. A model of flexible creative projects and the creation of innovative teams. Stages of team building and methods of creating creative teams. Technologies "project management" and "action learning". Formation of self-organizing teams. Creation of "companies in the company". The principle of "Natural" hierarchies ": at the top is an employee who generates ideas and brings the greatest revenue.
Chapter 8. Action-oriented, experimentation and result-focused organization
8.1.Organizatsion and administrative bases of orientation to action. The existence of an organization in a changing, unpredictable environment. The need for creative independent action and solutions. Structural elements of a dynamic organization: actions, operations, processes, stages, cycles. Regularities of functioning, changes and development of the organization. Orientation to success and result as a company value. Installations for immediate action, speed decisions and experimentation. Support for reasonable risk and the right to make a mistake. Action-oriented strategies. The model of the completed action. Involvement of employees in actions and process of new problem-solving. Unity of the goals of employees and organizations.
8.2. Realization of the principle of action orientation. Concentration on the task and immediate action. Intensification of contacts and connections. Experimenting and searching. The Edison method. Application of the trial and error method. "Battle reconnaissance" as self-learning and obtaining valuable information. Simplification of structures, plans and actions. Deriving beliefs and values from successful actions. Creation of new effective methods based on successful actions. Efficiency and speed as independent values and imperatives. The concentration of all resources and energy on a concrete result.
Chapter 9. Creative Marketing Management
9.1. Basic principles and tasks of creative marketing. Managerial concepts of marketing. Characteristics and features of creative marketing. Sensitivity to market changes, flexibility, efficiency, and empathising with consumers' inner world. Market analysis and development of a strategic plan. Segmentation of the market and product positioning. Analysis of the behaviour and root needs of consumers. Creation of effective communication systems. Marketing is like love for a buyer. Creating the highest consumer value. Brand management in modern conditions.
9.2. Creative Marketing Techniques and Examples. Methods of " Guerrilla marketing: essence and Techniques. Methods of viral, hidden, outrageous and ambient marketing. Сreative event management methods. Innovative promotion of new products. Creative approach to sales promotion. The art of successful sales. Super-efficiency of non-standard and simple solutions. Advantages and methods of effective Digital marketing and Internet marketing. Marketing communications of the future.
9.3. Creative advertising. Creative advertising strategy. Basic laws and techniques of creative advertising and public relations. Psychological mechanisms of the advertising impact. Creation of a unique trade offer. Advertising as art and business. Creativity as the creation of an advertising product. Associative, divergent, lateral and magical thinking. Empathy, play and intuition in advertising.
The basic mechanisms and techniques of creative advertising. Advertising awakens customers' activity and creativity. Call-To-Action Advertising. Creative PR management: the creation of myths, legends, and events. Creative management of the image of personality, product and company. Sponsorship and patronage, principles and rules of communication with the press. Features of advertising on the Internet.
Chapter 10. The main factors and functions of effective management.
10.1. Principles and styles of management. Principles of Creative Management. Analysis of management styles. Innovative - analytical management style. Participative style and a model of situational leadership. Modern management styles: "Three-factor model", "Management by Objectives ". " Management By Walking Around ", "Employee Empowerment", "Self-Managed Work Teams", "Maverick style", "Toyota style", "Bill Gates's style" and "W. Buffett's style". Different styles of management at different stages, in different situations and with different people. Creative management style as the possession of all styles and the ability to choose the right one. Characteristics of style: integrity, diversity, flexibility, non-standard and focus on results. Essence and content of management activities. System of basic management functions and their psychological support. Creative approach to the implementation of basic management functions.
10.2. Coordinating and as a cross-cutting and integrating function of management. Holographic model and synergy of main management functions. The universal and cross-cutting nature of meta-functions. Coordinating as Integrating, harmonizing and matching all management functions. Coordinating as balancing, complementing, “Juggling” and overcoming contradictions. Managing from the "all-pervasive overview" position, encouraging self-management. Maintaining a balance of contradictory approaches: centralization-decentralization, planning-situational, stability-change, hierarchy-chaotic, control-freedom, rigidity-flexibility, ideality-actual utility. Implementation of the principle of complementarity. Juggling managing multiple priorities, principles, strategies, methods and tools. Accounting for all rules and anti-rules and choosing the most appropriate and effective. Creative management as the creative resolution of contradictions by creating and increment of new value. Creating integrity and the birth of supersystem qualities. Creation of emergent novelty by combining and bringing together strategies, methods and structures.Implementation of the principle and methods of "Increasing the Pie" or "Creating Value".
10.3. Creative forecasting, planning and goal-setting. Creative vision and analysis of the external and internal environment. Interaction of analysis with other management functions. Methods "Five forces", PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, Six Sigma, DMAIC. Interdependence of concepts: vision, mission, strategy and goals. Forecasting, goal setting and planning in the management system. Basic principles of planning. Strategic management and planning. Creative planning is based on the vision of the future. Creating a "Great dream", "A big idea", an ideal plan, and an optimal trajectory of action. Orientation to environment changes and opportunities for the future. Features of reverse planning. Planning is based on identifying the most acute and key problems. SMART method. Building a "Goal tree", setting priorities and operationalizations of goals.
10.4. Organizing as a function of management. Organizing as identification and synergy of all activities and synthesis and use of all resources. Building a structure that realizes the creative potential of the company and its employees. Creation of flexible, dynamic, self-developing structures. Individual approach to empowerment with responsibilities and authority. Accounting for the unique creative competence of employees. Art and rules of effective, developing delegation. Delegation as a way of employee development. Delegation as motivation, transfer of knowledge and experience, as encourages creativity, activity and initiative. Organizing dialogic interaction between units. Creation of systems of multilevel communications and Feedback. Maintaining the unity of concentration and specialization, simplifying and dialogizing structures.
10.5. Controlling as an essential function of management. Concept of control and regulation. Process and stages of control. Establishment of performance standards, key criteria for assessing quality and efficiency. Strategic control. Use of key control points and control by the result. Timeliness and simplicity of control. Monitoring: transparent and comprehensive control. Flexible control that focused on individuality, stage and specificity of activity. Providing freedom, independence and the right to make mistakes. Self-control stimulating. Control with the help of quality circles: focus not on eliminating defects, but on improving. Characteristics of effective prompting and helping control. Types of constructive corrective actions. Mechanisms and methods of stimulating and developing control.
Chapter 11. Directing as a leading management function.
11.1. Creative business and management communication. The concept of business communications, organizational and professional communication. The main signs of creative business communication: are integrity, openness and sensitivity to the situation, flexibility and efficiency. Creation of an atmosphere of self-realization, play, humour and free generation of creative ideas. The realisation of dialogity, variability, empathy and congruence in business communication. Developing and inspiring communication, focusing on revealing true values and enhancing creativity. Mechanisms, rules and techniques of creative, dialogic communication.
11.1.1. The art of business communication. Conducting effective business meetings. Rules for conducting interviews and interviews with staff. Strengthening and development of employees' creative potential. The art of communication through technical means. Creative techniques of public speaking. The art of influence, persuasion and inspiration.
11.1.2. Mastery of management communication. Features of developing managerial communication. Effective ways to issue orders, check and evaluate. Enforcing orders. Rules for constructive criticism. Providing free time for employees, freedom of action and the right to initiative and experiment.
11.1.3. Creative negotiations. Preparation, organization and conduct of effective negotiations. National styles of negotiations. Strategy, tactics of effective negotiations. Creative methods of the introduction of negotiations: variational, integration, balancing, compromise, and "win-win" techniques. Creative principles and techniques for achieving ultimate success in the negotiations. Implementation of the principle "Increasing the pie".
11.1.4. Creative conflict management. Сonflicts anticipation, prevention and productive resolution. Use of the conflict developing potential. Tough and soft conflict resolution strategies. Strategies, styles, tactics and techniques for creative conflict resolution. Changing the vision of the conflict. Implementation of the "Win-win" model.
11.2. Motivating and stimulating creative activity.
11.2.1. Models and principles of creativity motivating. The main models of motivational management. Principles of effective motivation and incentives for staff. Reliance on the individuality and personal preferences of employees. Clear remuneration criteria: priority of creative results. Flexible application of the system of incentives and rewards. Creative, non-standard methods of motivation.
11.2.2. Motivating and stimulating methods of creative activity. Forms, methods and technologies of creative activity, innovations and inventions motivation. Activation of personal interest and involvement of employees. The concept of the social package, working conditions, free time and flexible benefits. Profit-sharing arrangements, share ownership, stock options, and bonuses as rewards for creative results. Special bonuses for creativity. Motivation by learning and development. Motivation by involvement in the problem, by favourite work and tasks on interests. Motivation by higher meanings. Self-esteem, a realization of the meaning of life, self-actualization and creativity. Organizational forms of creativity stimulation: conferences of ideas, competitions of ideas, circles of innovators and inventors, boxes for ideas.
11.3. Leading as a modern style of management.
11.3.1.Characteristics of creative leadership. The modern theory of leadership. The phenomenon of influence: goals, forms, means, mechanisms and methods. Differences between manager and leader, between Transactional and Transformational Leaders. Principles of Creative Leadership. Balance of power, idealized influence, charisma, and partnership. Model of “trainer”, “conductor”, and “referee on the field”. Creating vision, mission, values and goals and forming high expectations in employees. Creative leader as a сreator of new worlds, rules and events. The sense-creative activity of the leader. Leader as a creator of the environment and opportunities for co-creation. Embedding creative mindset and new ways of thinking of employees. Stimulating followers to new ideas generating and creative problem-solving. Creative leader as a change agent and innovation manager. Focus on the use of internal and external possibilities. Creative leadership as a way of vision and doing, not a position. Everyday Creative Leadership.
11.3.2. Creative inspiring leadership. Respect for individuality and personal freedom of employees. Love work, employees and own higher Self. Ability to attract, inspire and elevate employees. Considerating their key needs, arousing and satisfying higher motives. Ability to awaken employees' creative "Self" and create single teams. Features of the latent directing. Facilitation and dialogue, сharges of energy, humour, play, improvisation, making work fun. Trust, participation, support, assistance and training. Emotional intellect. Leader as a coach. Characteristics of female leaders: intuition, empathy, resourcefulness, integrity, social flexibility. Art of conducting confidential conversations and developing strong emotional bonds. The ability to unite a team and jointly realize the vision.
11.3.3. Qualities and skills of the creative leader. Creative Vision, proactivity, possession of a creative method, and focus on the future. Openness and hypersensitivity to new ideas in various spheres, receptivity to the ideas of employees. Tolerance for ambiguity and ability to embrace paradox. Maintain a balance between order and creative chaos, discipline and freedom, between employe’s and organizations’ goals. The ability to unite opposites and create an emergent novelty. Art to use the new possibility of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). Will, persistence, flexibility, and ability to focus resources on priorities. Ability to make an initial choice and act immediately. Firmness in principles and flexibility in actions. Hard approach to goals, soft to the relationship. Courageness, willingness to challenge and take risks.
Chapter 12. The essence, types and managerial Decision-Making Techniques
12.1. Decision-making as an end-to-end, essential management function. Specificity of the decision-making function in the activity of the manager. Theory and classification of management decisions. Decision-Making Techniques
in various schools of management. Decision-making and basic management styles. Decision-making in the implementation of main management functions.
Basic approaches to decision-making. Principles of decision making. Requirements for effective business solutions. Strategies for the development and adoption of management decisions. Forms of group decision-making. Involving employees in the decision-making process. “Ringi system” - Japanese decision-making technique. Shared strategic decisions. Decision-making in the workplace.
The leadership of decision-making in the organization. Stages and procedures for preparation and adoption of managerial decisions. Organization of the implementation of management decisions.
12.2. Creative approach to decision-making. Specificity of decision-making under conditions of uncertainty and risk. Risk in making managerial decisions. Speed and quality of decision-making. Diagnosis of problem situations in management practice. Methods of creative problem solving and management decision making. "Analysis of problems and problem fields", "Matrices for decision-making". Analytical and heuristic methods of decision-making. Combining an intuitive, rational and expert way of decision-making. Factual analysis. Expert review. Brain attack. Synectics. The Delphi Method. Method of scenarios. Method of tree options and inversion in decision-making. Activating the role of the subconscious, intuition, imagination, inspiration and empathy in decision-making.
Chapter 13. The essence and methods of innovation management
13.1. Basic concepts and forms of innovation activity. Basic theories of innovation, innovativeness and modernization. Sources of innovative opportunities. The concept of an organization’s innovative potential. The essence and nature of change and newness. Innovators and inventors. Classification of innovations and innovation processes. Innovation process and innovative activity. Stages and life cycle of innovation. Socio-psychological features of the innovation process.
13.2. The essence of innovative management. Managing the process of innovation and introducing changes. Principles of effective innovation management. Principles and rules of organization of managerial innovations. An Integrative approach to organizational innovation. A vision of the future and formulating innovation strategies. Personnel management in innovative organizations. Formatting of an innovative environment: an atmosphere of creativity and innovation. Forms and methods of stimulating innovation in the company. Methods and tools of organizing the innovation process. Techniques for developing a new product. Idea generation and selection techniques. SCAMPER, Forced relationships, Reverse thinking, Visualization. Perfection of goods and processes. Rules and techniques for introducing innovations and promoting innovative products.
Chapter 14. Knowledge management - creation, preservation and use of intellectual capital
14.1. Intellectual capital of an organization. The concept of intellectual and creative capital. The knowledge generates understanding and motivates action. Human dimension: culture, learning community, ideas generators, experts, competencies, skills, methods, explicit, implicit and innovative knowledge. Organizational and technological components of the knowledge system, information assets and programs. External structure: the capital of relations and external relations. The creative potential of intellectual capital: creative experience, skill and competence, methods and practices of generating ideas, creating and implementing innovations, enhancing creativity, and creative management. Heuristics, know-how, trademarks, patents. Extracted value as a criterion of intellectual capital. Measurements of intellectual and creative capital. A universal and unique model of knowledge in an organization. Knowledge as a reserve and flow. Preservation of knowledge in practices, procedures and processes. The knowledge spiral (Ikugiro Nonaka) is a model of knowledge transformation in the organization. Features and experience of successful intellectual organizations (Thinking organization, TO).
14.2. Organizational forms, strategies and technologies of knowledge management. Construction of a system for collecting, maintaining, disseminating and applying intellectual capital. Methods of searching, collecting and extracting new knowledge. Structuring, identification and preservation of knowledge: the creation of knowledge maps, tree of knowledge values and catalogues of competencies. System of methods and software-technological tools of a free circulation of knowledge. A free and fast exchange of experience, a system of mentors. Creation of Intranets and Corporate Networks. Incremental strategies and methods for generating new knowledge in an organization. Features of the use of knowledge in making managerial decisions. Methods of transformation of intellectual assets into efficiency and new value. Installation for the realization of all knowledge. Methods of translating creative knowledge into products and services.
Chapter 15. Talent management and modern methods of staff development
15.1. The new paradigm of personnel management: The Struggle for Talent. Modern approaches to personnel management. The strategy of attracting talents. Methods of search, selection, attraction and adaptation of creative specialists. Creative Manager Portfolio. Interviewing Techniques for hiring and diagnosing creativity. Selection and use of creative puzzles and cases. Internal talent search. Formation of a talent bank.
15.2. Talent management techniques. Creative strategies for personnel management of the organization. Career management and promotion programs for talented and highly qualified employees. Management based on creative competence. Methods of supporting, retaining and developing talents: creating a creative corporate culture, developing partnerships, participating in profits, prospects for growth and development. Access to knowledge and enrichment of works. The setting of super tasks, provision of free time and initiative. Methods of diagnosing the success and staff creativity. Programs and technologies of the "Assessment Center", "360 degrees" technique.
15.3. Personnel development management. Programs for the development of human resources and enhancing the creative potential of staff. Modern Employee Training and Development Methods: "Transmission of vision," mentoring, coaching, learning by doing, delegation, rotation, business, role and metaphorical games. Training methods: "Job Shadowing", "Buddying", "Secondment".
Chapter 16. Coaching - as a system for implementing the joint creative potential of employees
16.1. Basic types of coaching. Tasks and methods of business coaching. Corporate and project coaching. Organization of search of the most effective and non-standard ways of achievement of the company purposes. The technology of career coaching. Individual assistance to employees in maximizing their potential and competency realization. Methods of life coaching and coaching welfare. Methods and techniques for improving the quality of life of employees and activities in all areas. Techniques, methods and tools of leadership coaching, coaching changes, coaching creativity.
16.2. Features of creative coaching. Goals, specificity, model and principles of creative coaching. Creative dialogue, awareness, intuition and vision of the future as coaching tools. Coaching creativity as a way to awaken and develop the creative potential of employees. Coaching the achievements and development of creative self-coaching, overcoming constraints and barriers. Coaching of creative problem-solving. Coaching as a technology for building the future.
Chapter 17. Quality management as continuity of creativity in an organization
17.1. Role, concept and features of quality management. Creative approach to business as continuous improvement of all processes and products. Principles and models of quality management. System approach, PDCA "Deming cycle". Total quality management of TQC (Feigenbaum). Juran's Spiral of Quality.Integrated management of quality (Integrated Management). Use of in-depth knowledge and qualitative criteria. The consumer as the most important link. Perfection of processes, not of people.
17.2. Forms and methods of quality management. The program "14 actions" (Crosby). Taguchi Quality Engineering as a simplification and reduction of losses. Improving the quality of management functions and products. Study of advanced manufacturing experience (Good Manufacturing Practices). Creation of target groups or circles of quality. Quality control system. Fishbone Diagrams (Ishikawa). The Kaizen Method as a system of constant, continuous improvement. Improving “overall, always and by all”. Operational management as a way to improve the quality of processes and products.
Chapter 18. Project management as a creative transformation of the environment.
18.1 Specification and essence of project management. The project as a creative change in the socio-economic environment. The universality of project management. Five stages of the project life cycle. Ways to generate new ideas and determine the purpose of a Project. Brainstorming, nominal group technique, mind-mapping. Initiation and creation of a unique model of a project: idea, timeframe, financials, team, resources, activities, and organization of communications. Project management methods, tools and techniques: Critical Path Analysis, PERT diagram. Gantt chart. Ishikawa Diagram. A work breakdown structure. Planning time, quality and resources. Establishing “break-points” and methods of progress measures. Reverse planning. Creation of scenarios for interaction between project elements and environmental factors. Features IT-project management.
18.2. Features of project implementation management. Сommunicate, delegate, encourage, check and adjust, complete project, report results and benefits. Aspiration to goals and results under given constraints. Force majeure and ways to overcome them. Activation of resources and minimization of risks. Creative project management: freedom, flexibility, informality, quality, innovation and maximum realization of resources. Maintain a balance of competing claims. Management by objectives. Quality management and project team. Separation of the project into tasks, and tasks for work. Creative solutions to problems and conflicts. New professions in modern management: Product manager, Digital Product Manager, Сurator, Art-manager, CRM-manager (client manager).
Chapter 19. Features and advantages of Startup Management
19.1. Main characteristics and specifics of the start-up business. Creation of new business projects and the opening of a new direction within the existing business. Startup as a venture project. Methods of searching and generating business ideas for start-ups. Design thinking. The birth of idea-dream and the attraction of adherents. Ways to attract investment. Stock Exchanges startups, Kickstarter, venture funds and work with business angels. Search and create new markets. Product creation: implementation of the idea in a short time with limited resources. Innovation of processes and products. Implementation of new goals by non-standard methods. The Lean Startup model by Eric Riece. Reasons: a method for testing hypotheses and vision, intuition and creativity. Principles: hypotheses, experiment, continuous interaction with consumers. Product as a source of customer value. Concepts of the minimum viable product (MVP) and feedback cycles. Methods to launching a successful new brand. Transition to new innovative projects.
19.2. Specificity of management in start-up companies. Management in an uncertain external environment. Formation of an innovative corporate culture. Creation of creative teams: freedom, competence and involvement. Art and courage of delegation. The main stages of the start-up process and a gradual change of management style and techniques. Features of risk management in start-up companies. New management principles in the Lean Startup model: a vision of a start-up, a strategy and road map, and continuity of customer relationships. The essence of interim management and features of its use in start-up companies.
Chapter 20. Application of information-communicative and cloud technologies in modern management
20.1. Information technology, hardware and software for business processes and management. Modern tools for searching, collecting, processing and storing information arrays. Tools for organizing flows and creating new information, providing feedback. Software tools for optimization of business processes and management processes: coordination, motivation, control, justification and adoption of management decisions. Integration of human thinking with computers. "Integrating Systems Thinking". Using the BPMS / T (Business Process Management System / Tool,) software to support process management. SAP Business Suite programs. Information support systems for analytical activities BI (Business Intelligence). Decision Support Systems (DSS). CRM (Customer Relationship Management). MIS (Management Information Systems) support technologies. SAP HCM-Human Capital Management. Automation of all HR processes: developing human resources, attracting, adapting and motivating employees, setting goals for each employee and monitoring.
20.2. Application of cloud technologies in personnel management using the Success Factor system. Managing human resources using cloud-based user-centric applications. Implementation of the Success Factor program as a set of modules and tools for personnel management: Resource planning. Staff recruitment. Building a career. Education and development. Analytics and evaluation. Activation of interactions through intercorporate social networks.
A system for providing managers with the necessary information for decision-making. Сorrespondence providing between company and employees objectives, increasing the efficiency of staff and improving the company's business results.
Chapter 21. Anti-crisis management as a way of survival and growth in an unpredictable turbulent environment
21.1.Characteristics and features of crisis management. A focus on using the developing potential of crisis. Anticipative (advanced), intuitive anti-crisis management. Focus on the positive potential of the crisis. Mindset for optimism and confidence. Orientation to the use of all external and internal resources. Flexibility and adaptability, diversification of management styles. Management as the continuous adoption of responsible decisions. The concentration of efforts on solving key and most acute problems. Creativity as a way to survive in a company. Innovations as a mechanism for increasing anti-crisis sustainability.
21.2. Forms and methods of creative anti-crisis management. Forecasting and prevention of crisis phenomena. The vision of a holistic picture: the definition of a turning point and the culmination of the crisis. Development and implementation of measures to overcome the crisis. Increase the intensity of the use of tools and management methods. Concentration on human capital. Informal, mobilizing, inspiring management. Awakening of enthusiasm, strengthening of integration processes and rallying of employees.
Analysis of the situation, identification of key contradictions and problems threatening the enterprise's existence. Creative solution of complex problems, elimination of critical situations. Continuous choice of the most optimal solutions. Initiative in solving problems and finding the best options for development. Methods and tools for developing a new course of development. Features and tools of troubleshooting. Analysis of systems in a state of acute crisis, failure and stopping activity. Identify the key problem. Search for non-standard, creative solutions to the way out of the crisis. Simplicity, obviousness and elegance of solutions.
Chapter 22. Creative Risk and Change Management
22.1. Risk management. Concept, criteria and types of risks. Building a risk management system. Development of a risk strategy to minimize possible losses. Risk forecasting, identifying, analyzing, evaluating and neutralizing techniques.
Breakdown Structure (RBS). Mind Map (Monitor & Control Risks. Preventive Action. Risk management as a process of development and implementation of decisions to prevent and neutralize risks. Creative methods of decision-making: brainstorming, synectics, heuristics, discussion, intuition. Group decisions. Methods and rules for risk optimization: insurance, resale, evasion. Ways to disclose and realize the chances that benefit, profit and add value. The art of profit in an uncertain situation.
22.2. Сhange Management.
22.2.1. Specificity of change management in organizations. Сhange Management as a process of creative problem finding and solving. Focus on anticipating change and building a future. Predicting changes and seeing opportunities there. Managing organizational changes and managerial innovation. Initiating change and maintaining a balance between change and stability. Reengineering of business processes as a model of revolutionary changes. Planned simplification and elimination of structures and goods. Evolutionary model: first person, then organizational changes. The model of changes: "unfreezing" -change-"freezing". A metaphorical approach to change management. (G. Morgan).
22.2.2. Strategies and methods for avoiding and overcoming resistance to change. Creating a culture for innovative changes and flexible organizational structures. Involving employees in planning change and making decisions. Training of employees and their preparation for change. Reliance on advanced employees, "agents of change", and the creation of teams of partners. Stimulation of self-government, creativity and innovation. Transparency and declaration of benefits. Building a system of incentives and compensations. Methods of overcoming socio-psychological barriers in innovation. Psychological support of organizational changes. Realization of creative transformative leadership. Productive and rapid conflict resolution. Facilitation, empathy and support to employees. Accounting habits, traditions, group norms and values. The program of their step-by-step, gradual change.
Chapter 23. Creative security management in organizations
23.1. Implementation of the new security paradigm. Principles of the creative security paradigm. The concept of an organization’s human security is focused on creativity and development. Building a qualitatively new security system that prevents new risks and dangers. The model of "controlled openness". Forecasting and preventing destructive influences. Integrity and flexibility of the security system. Coordination with all structures and focus on the development of the company. The notion of "Security competence". Ability and resistance to unexpected, complex threats. Ability to withstand unexpected, complex threats. Creative problem solving, productive conflict resolution and implementation of the technique "harm in favour." The Aikido principle in security management.
23.2. Forming a new type of security system. Creative management principles of organization's security. Creative approach to security. Building a corporate culture of security. Formation of employees' security competence. Intellectualization, psychologization and computerization of the security system. Psychological support of security: analytics, constructive activity, consulting. The security principle in personnel management: Effective Employee Selection Methods, method of Prevention and Detection Fraud in Organization. methods of revealing lies and insincerity. Ways to Increase Employee Loyalty in an Organization. Methods of protection of commercial information. Support for business negotiations, ways to identify and neutralize manipulation and trickery. Features of Extreme Negotiations in high-risk situations. Use of modern technical security equipment. Principles for Effective Cybersecurity of Organization.
Chapter 24. Principles and methods of manager's personal effectiveness for Managers
24.1. Self-determination and personal development of the manager. The main concepts of self-management. The rules of life and success secrets of outstanding businessmen and managers. Philosophical grounds and psychological theories of success. Creating a personal vision and mission statement. Creative existence: self-realization, creating and managing personal meanings. Сontinuous self-development and ultimate realization of internal and external possibilities. A holistic creative life as a key factor of success and productivity in all spheres. Maintaining a balance in juggling work and personal life. Planning, development, rules of building and ways to implement a successful business career. Creating a personal strategy, rules and methods of success. The world as an organization. Continuous creative management.
24.2. Organization of the personal and professional life. Creative Personal Time Management. Drawing up personal rules for organizing, and developing a personal rhythm of working. Rules for personal goal-setting. Visualization. The Pareto principle. Eisenhower's square. Urgency/importance matrix. Mind Maps technique. Culture of work with information and documents. Speed-reading and mnemonics. The art of preparing and conducting an Effective presentation. Organization of the personal working space. Art of Impression management, constructing and self-presenting of image and style. Culture and ethic of relationships with co-workers and the art of business communication: the ability to listen, get used to, inspire and convince other people. Individual methods of creative decision-making. Individual methods of stimulating creativity and creative problem-solving. Formation of the individual creative method of the manager as an integral system of creative tools and techniques.
Chapter 25. Methods for achieving high performance and managing emotional states
25.1. Stressful situations in the workplace and stress management techniques. The main causes of stress and internal conflicts. Emotional burnout of manager. Strategies for Managing Stress. Methods of stress prevention and optimization. Practical ways to handle and cope with stress and main stress management techniques. Methods for handling employee claims and complaints. Rules for dealing with difficult people and conflicting people. Ways to neutralize manipulation. Formation of creative constructive attitude to problems and conflicts. Positive mindset and thinking, humour and play in the manager's work. Transformation of challenges and problems into opportunities. Realization of creative management principles and tools as conflicts and stress prevention.
25.2. Methods of increasing resistance to stress and reaching a higher creative state. Basics for Building a Healthy Lifestyle and maintaining physical and mental health. Creative activities as the groundwork of mental health. Formation of emotional competence. Autogenous management, self-regulation and meditation. Methods for achieving inner balance and self-control in difficult situations. Ways to maintain optimal working conditions. Techniques for overcoming procrastination. Strategies and techniques for self-motivation. Self-hypnosis techniques and methods for activating resource states. Methods for achieving creative state, inspiration and flow state. Types of socio-psychological and individual training of emotional states.