Please consider supporting our efforts.
Creative Absolute is a unique website dedicated to the study of psychology, philosophy and mythology of creativity. Your donations will support the mission to uncover the secrets of creative genius, ways to awaken the creative essence of each person, and the development of creative wit.
1. Advancing research in creativity, creative personality, and wit.
Your donations will go toward continuing interdisciplinary research into the nature and mechanisms of creativity, creative individuality, and the personality traits underlying creativity and wit.
2. Development of educational and developmental resources.
With your support, effective programs, methods, training, and techniques will be created to help people of all ages unlock their creative potential and become more successful.
3. Creating and supporting an active community of creative people.
By donating to the Creative Absolute project, you will join a growing community of people who are passionate about exploring the depths and ways of awakening the true creative nature of human beings.
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