Markov S.L. Psychology of Creativity: A textbook for university students.
- K .: Electronic textbook, 1997
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Chapter 3. Basic mechanisms, rules and techniques of creative activity
Chapter 5. Creative dialogue of individual with the World Chapter 6. Techniques to enhance Creativity and the art of Chapter 7. Children's creativity: essence, specificity and basic |
At the moment a whole greater number of researchers converge in the opinion, that creativity is not destiny and is a privilege of the select, elite persons, and the ability to it is a special, exclusive gratis. The given interpretation of creativity allows us to overcome the artificially created precipice between the ordinary person and genius. Thus the simple person finds new horizons and opportunities of development, and the genius loses his divine and mystical aureole.
The modern humanistic psychology asserts that creativity is an inalienable attribute and genuine essence of the person, that each of us has a universal core of creative abilities and that the genius sleeps in each person.
Many scientists consider, that today mankind is only at the beginning of spiritual development, and each person does not realise his true abilities and opportunities, using and performing in his real life only their insignificant part. Thus the discrepancy between individual actual and ideal essence as between whom he is, and who he should and can become is his most deep and essence contradiction. Just this key contradiction "is translucent" through all internal and external conflicts of the person, and serves as the implicit reason of all his vital problems.
A major problem of modern psychology becomes a search for ways and methods of the revelation of the innermost layers of a human essence, activation of his supreme “I” and approach the person to his genuine essence. Here the basic problem - how to learn the person, is naturally transformed into a problem - how to realise his inexhaustible opportunities in the most effective way, how to make the person happy, how to fill his life with sense and supreme values, how to help him to overcome his limited self and to find the ability to cope with influence of becoming complicated environment in an easy, nice and effective way.
The problem of awakening, activation and formation of the creative potential of each person is especially urgent in the present time, which is characterised of increasing of complexity, dynamism and multiplicity of heterogeneous problems and conflicts. Just their successful, beautiful and productive solving makes the essence of the economic, political and spiritual progress of a society. In the opinion of the modern American researchers of creativity, revealing and the development of the creative persons is a problem of national importance, and those states, which create conditions for this purpose, will have large advantages.
Probably, it is possible to assert, that just the integral creative person, determined by appropriated supreme values and ideals, capable of creating new original ideas, hypotheses and ways of the decision of complex vital problems is a real, genuine riches of a nation.
Each person is simply "doomed" on creativity, on awakening and realisation of the creative essence, on fulfilment of the creative mission and destiny. Only in creativity the person can again find self, to merge with genuine "I", to find the justification of the existence.
The understanding of creativity as of the highest degree of any kind of activity puts before the person a problem of saturation each moment, each act of life by elements of creativity, entering them in dialogue, in self-development, in the perception of nature and products of culture, in the solving of numerous vital problems. Thus just the non-standard and effective solving of various problems and conflicts, which a person collided with during her life, makes the essence of the creative, problem attitude to reality.
At the same time, creativity is immanent connected with cognitive, aesthetic and playing attitude toward the world, with breath-taking comprehension of the secret essence of things and discovering of "mystical" charm of mystery, with identifying with live and inanimate objects of the external world, to experience of their universal beauty and harmony. It assumes a finding of the " fantastic almighty power ", the ability to enliven, strengthen and concentrate the essence of objects, freely to manipulate their properties, condition and forms, to create new useful combinations and patterns from them.
Creativity serves as a source of spiritual and mental health, harmonises the internal world of the person, gives him a sense to existence, raises a self-estimation and strengthens belief in self. Any creative act is accompanied by activation and synthesis of intelligent, emotional and willed processes, fall outside of the self-limits and also integrated, spontaneous and sincere self-expression of the true essence. At the same time the creative activity, conducting to creation of new products and values, is accompanied by self-development and self-perfection of the person, formation and development of her new qualities. Thus the healthy creative persons differ by brightly expressed individuality and direction on common to all mankind interests, spontaneity and, sincerity both tolerances, idealism and orientation to a reality, goodwill and wit.
At the same time in creativity, the person not only finds a maximum degree of personal integration but also identifies, experiences and appropriates supreme values, which become internal determinants of her behaviour. Just creativity integrates personal and social purposes, and alloys personal interest with social significance and benefit.
In this connection with necessity the problem of “resacralization" of creativity, return it's lost social importance and unconditional value becomes aggravated. The problem of awakening, activation and formation of creative abilities of the person should penetrate the whole system of education, from family, including pre-school, school and university, and finishing special rates and training for any ages' group. For this reason in modern educational programs, it is necessary to include creative and deductive games, training, seminars, and special rates on acquiring the basic laws of creative activity, on the development of intuition, imagination and basic skills of meditation. It is very perspective to train the pupils to the basic rules and techniques of creative activity, and such productive methods of activation of creative potential as brainstorming, synectic, morphological analysis and others.
The existing system of school training in basic is directed at mastering extensive theoretical knowledge, development logic, and discursive methods of the cognition of the world. Thus in the process of the pupil's reproductive accumulations of a material, the right brain processes, responsible for imagination, intuition, imagery and emotionality are braked, and mainly formal logic and mechanical storing techniques develop. At the same time in educational institutions' traditions "sociocentrizm" are kept, putting collective of individuality, squeezing unique and incomparability of the specific person in "прокрустово ложе " of actual group norms and rules.
At the moment a problem, and faster tragedy of concealed, blocked talents more and more becomes aggravated. The gifted children differ by extreme vulnerability and supersensitivity to negative and inadequate educational influences, and by rejecting the inefficient forms of education. They intuitively refuse and resist stereotyped and reproductive methods of training, hardly experience their protest and do not understand its reasons. It is really sad, that frequently parents, educators and teachers do not understand these reasons too, and they negatively estimate the given pupils and attach to them labels of obstinate, hysterical, lazy and even intellectually defective children. It is evident that only prepared creative teachers and educators, which familiar with the basic laws of creative activity, and armed with methods of diagnostics and activation of creative abilities can feel, to discover and to educate the creative person.
Just to a problem of restoration and affirmation of understanding of creativity as the supreme value and the precious gift, as the genuine human essence and destiny, as the source of enjoyment and effective means of approach of the person and society to an ideal, this book is devoted.
At the same time attempts to generalise and order existing approaches to the essence, structure and basic mechanisms of creative activity have been undertaken. Above all the main weight of attention was given to the specific methods of diagnostics and activation of creativity, on special techniques, standards and ways of the effective solution of diverse vital problems. It is such an approach to creativity that allows us to approximate it to real, everyday life and to give marked pragmatical character to theoretical knowledge.