1. Sergey L. Markov. Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of creativity
Markov, S.L. (2012). Kvintologichnyi pidhid do pobudovy edynoi teorii tvorchosti [Kvintological approach to the construction of a unified theory of creativity]. Pravnychyi visnyk universitetu “KROK”, 11, 160 -171.
2. Sergey L. Markov. Сreative approach to security management
Markov, S.L. (2012) Tvorcheskiy podhod k upravleniiu bezopasnostiu [ Сreative approach to security management]. Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii obrazovaniia [News of the Russian Academy of Education]. 2 (22), 403-415.
3. Sergey L. Markov. Creative management and management of creativity in the modern creatological formation
Markov, S.L. (2015) Tvorche upravlinia i upravlinia tvorchistiu v novitniy kreatologichnit formacii [Creative management and management of creativity in the modern creatological formation] In V.K. Gizhevskiy, S.L. Markov (Eds.), Legal and socio-psychological dimensions of modern information society (pp. 252-266). Кyiv: KROK University.
4. Sergey L. Markov. Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity
Markov, S.L. (2011) Formuvannia tvorchogo bachennia osobystosti jak universalnyi metod aktivizacii tvorchosti [Formation of creative vision of an individual as the universal method of enhancing creativity]. In S.D. Maksimenko & L.M. Karamushka (Eds.), Actualni problemy psichologii. Vol 1. (pp. 374-380). Kyiv: Publishing House “A.C.K”.
5. Sergey L. Markov. A genetic approach to the nature of genius
Markov, S.L.(2011) Genetuchnyi pidhid do pryrody genialnosti [A genetic approach to the nature of genius]. In 2th International scientific conference: Genesis of the personality's existence. Kyiv, 19-20 December 2011. Kyiv: Information and Analytical Agency, Vol.1, pp.255-260.
6. Sergey L. Markov. Mechanisms of creative dialogue with the World
Markov, S. L. (1997) Mechanisms of Creative Dialogue With the World. Paper presented at the 105th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 17, 1997. Chicago, IL.
7. Sergey L. Markov. Sense creation in the structure of processes of meaning dynamics
Markov, S.L. (2013). Smyslotvorchist v structuri procesiv smyslovoi dynamiki [Sense creation, in the structure of processes of meaning dynamics]. Pravnychyi visnyk universitetu “KROK”, 15, 183-192.
8. Sergey L. Markov. Personal mechanisms of sense creation
Markov, S.L. Osobystisni mechanizmy smyslotvorchosti [Personal mechanisms of sense creation]. Pravnychyi visnyk universitetu “KROK”, 16. P.265-274